Friday, November 29, 2019

The Case For Euthanasia Should Physician-Assisted Suicide Be Essays

The Case for Euthanasia: Should Physician-Assisted Suicide be Legalized? Throughout the twentieth century, major scientific and medical advances have greatly enhanced the life expectancy of the average person. However, there are many instances where doctors can preserve life artificially. In these cases where the patient suffers from a terminal disease or remains in a "persistent vegetative state" or PVS from which they cannot voice their wishes for continuation or termination of life, the question becomes whether or not the patient has the freedom to choose whether or not to prolong their life even though it may consist of pain and suffering. In answer to this question, proponents of physician-assisted suicide, most notably, Dr. Jack Kevorkian, are of the opinion that not only should patients be able to abstain from treatment, but if they have a terminal and/or extremely painful condition, they should be able to seek out the assistance of a doctor in order to expedite their death with as little pain as possible. Contained herein are the arguments for and against the legalization of doctor-assisted suicide, as well as where the state courts stand in respect to this most delicate of issues. In the hopes of clarification, we must first distinguish between active and passive euthanasia. Passive euthanasia involves the patient's refusal of medical assistance. It involves the right to die which is protected by the United States Constitution clauses of due process liberty and the right to privacy (Fourteenth Amendment). The right to doctor-assisted suicide, or active euthanasia, consists of, "...a patient's right to authorize a physician to perform an act that intentionally results in the patient's death, without the physician's being held civilly or criminally liable for having caused the death" . The "passive" form of euthanasia was first deemed legal by the New Jersey State Supreme Court in 1976 In re Quinlan . In the Quinlan case, the court allowed a competent patient to terminate the use of life-sustaining medical machines to prolong life. Since New Jersey's decision, all fifty states have enacted similar statutes which contain living will provisions. However, although the United States Supreme Court upheld the Quinlan decision in re Cruzan , it changed the parameters of passive euthanasia . With the Cruzan decision, the Supreme Court held that passive euthanasia was legal but only for competent adults or those who are incompetent but have previously procured a living will. However, if the patient is without a living will and incompetent, it becomes the burden of the family to prove that there is "clear and convincing evidence" to the affect that the patient does not want to continue living in a vegetative state. As to active euthanasia, there has been no Supreme Court ruling determining whether the right to die, as understood in passive euthanasia cases, can be bound over to active euthanasia. The decision is thus left to the individual states. Currently, thirty-one states have criminalized explicitly the act of assisted suicide . Physician-assisted suicide is generally recognized as illegal under the parameters of homicide, however it is very difficult to meet all of the elements of the crime and conviction subsequently becomes nearly impossible. The fact that the U.S. Supreme Court has not reviewed a physician-assisted suicide case, which would create precedent, constitutes a dilemma for the state courts in that there is no uniform test or ruling by which to decide. Most states have developed their own laws to, more often than not, make doctor-assisted suicide illegal. However, when a case comes to trial it is usually dismissed either by the judge in a pretrial motion or by the jury. For example, in at least three of the assisted suicides which Dr. Kevorkian was involved in, all criminal charges were dismissed. So, the laws have been created, but when it comes to convicting a doctor and sending him to prison, in lieu of the circumstances, the law often breaks down and the charges are dismissed or the doctor is acquitted. In the case of the nineteen states which have not delineated the criminality of doctor-assisted suicide, the issue becomes less clear. Many of these states have a hard time grouping physician-assisted suicide with homicide. The case which Michigan judges cite in refusing this linkage of criminality is the People of the State of Michigan v. Campbell . In the Campbell case, the "court found that 'the term suicide excludes by definition a homicide'" . Since, suicide is not a homicide, then an assisted suicide cannot be deemed a homicide. At the time of the appellate courts hearing of the Campbell appeal, there was no other codified law expressing what crime an assisted suicide would fall

Monday, November 25, 2019

Research Paper Sample on Abortion Introduction, Discussion, and Conclusion

Research Paper Sample on Abortion Introduction, Discussion, and Conclusion There is an increasing number of abortion cases throughout the world. Just take into consideration the numbers: 56 million induced abortions occur each year worldwide; 64% of all global abortions (i.e. about 36 million) occur in Asia; About 879,000 abortions took place in the United States in 2017. Additionally, you can get familiar with worldwide abortion statistics closer to estimate the scale of the problem the problem when more and more women tend to end a pregnancy so that the baby is not born alive. However, it isn’t always a problem but a necessity for a woman. Plunge into the research process on this topic and come up with results with the help of this article it consists of useful information to include in your research paper on abortion. Research Paper Introduction What Is the Research Problem? What Is Abortion? Abortion is the termination of pregnancy. It is the removal of the fetus before it is viable. It is usually done before the fetus gets to 25 weeks old. It is either spontaneous or induced abortion. In developed countries, abortion is legal whereas most developing countries do not encourage and permit abortion. This brings about the differences in safe and unsafe abortions. For example, unsafe abortion accounts for over 70,000 maternal deaths worldwide. Abortion has a long history. In the past, it was done with the help of crude tools such as sharpened tools, physical trauma, and other traditional methods. With the advancement in the field of medicine, contemporary methods of abortion are now used: Medication abortion involves taking medicines to end a pregnancy. A surgical abortion is meant to use medical instruments to remove the pregnancy. The Status of Abortion in the World Each country in the world has different legality, cultural and religious statuses and prevalence of abortion. The ethical principles towards abortion and the removal of pregnancies also vary. Countries such as the United States of America and Britain have heated politics surrounding the issue of abortion in pro-life and pro-choice campaigns. Most governments in the developed countries have legalized abortion. Many developing and underdeveloped countries have not legalized abortion and have no control over what is done by the medical personnel. Abortion and childbirth complications have been the leading causes of maternal deaths the world over. With the advent of the 21st century, maternal deaths have declined. This has been attributed to education on family planning as well as the use of contraceptives. The Discussion Part of a Research Paper What to Cover? Induced abortion A third of pregnancies occurring in the world today are unintended. A fifth of these pregnancies ends up in induced abortion. Induced abortion is the forceful removal of the fetus from the womb of the mother. The gestation age of the fetus is the determining factor of what procedures could be used to conduct the abortion. The procedure is also limited by the legality of abortion in that country, doctor-patient preference and the regional availability of such services. Induced abortion is either therapeutic or elective. Therapeutic abortion is done by medical personnel in an effort to save the lives of patients. Patients suffering from such things as illnesses, multiple pregnancies and complications could have this procedure done on them to avoid having complications at childbirth that may lead to loss of life. Elective abortion is done at the request of the woman. This is usually done for non-medical reasons. Spontaneous Abortion It is commonly referred to as miscarriages. They are unintentional. They usually occur before the 20th and 24th week. Many pregnancies are usually lost before doctors are aware of the presence of an embryo in the uterus. Spontaneous abortion is caused by chromosomal abnormalities, vascular diseases, diabetes, infections, uterus abnormalities and trauma among others. The most frequent causes of spontaneous abortion are age and a history of spontaneous abortions. Accidents and trauma have also been linked with the high rates of miscarriages among women. 6 Causes of Abortion Abortion is caused by a myriad of factors among them social, religious and economic factors. The society’s desire for convenience has been a factor influencing the rates of abortion. Children and pregnancy are seen as a hindrance to a lot of fun and pleasure. One would easily remove the pregnancy in pursuit of this pleasure. The society accepts this circumstance and even encourages it by allowing governments to legalize abortion. The lack of respect for life is a religious factor toward promoting abortion. People no longer appreciate new life forms. One would not think twice before doing an abortion. Raging debates have come up suggesting that a foetus is not a life form until it is born. Such debates could easily change people’s mindsets to disregard life. Economic issues including poverty and insufficient funding have promoted abortion. Many young mothers have opted to do an abortion citing the inability to take care of the child once it is born. Usually, such young girls do not have an income to support themselves leave the unborn child. Stigma has contributed a lot in ensuring that abortion becomes a common thing. Girls who get pregnant while still very young get criticism, especially in developing countries. In most cultures, such a thing was unheard of. It was unheard of for one to get a child outside marriage. If one would have such a child, she would be excommunicated. Developing countries have not fully come out of this and girls who get pregnant whilst young are looked upon as ill-mannered individuals. Rape has been a big reason why people abort their children. When rape has occurred, and one does not intend to keep the pregnancy, she would choose not to keep the baby. The experience of being raped is too big a burden that the evidence of such an ordeal in the form of a child would not be acceptable. Many girls would quickly abort to rid themselves of this psychological trauma. Young girls have a better chance of furthering their education once they get rid of the child. In African countries, for instance, a young girl getting pregnant means that she has to be married off immediately. This would ruin her chances of ever getting formal education again. Getting rid of the baby provides an easier way out in the quest for education and a brighter future. 2 Methods Used to Carry Out Abortion There are two main methods used during abortions i.e. use of the abortion pill and surgical removal. The abortion pill is used for pregnancies up to nine weeks old. A combination of two drugs is taken. They are taken within 48 hours. The effect of the drugs is that the womb contracts and sheds its lining. The process is painful. This pain is experienced on the lower abdomen. It may cause diarrhea and vomiting. Surgical removal can be done when the foetus is at 13 to 14 weeks. A sterile tube is inserted through the cervix and into the uterus. Suction is done pulling out all the materials in the uterus. The woman may leave the hospital the same day after the procedure has been done. At 14 and 15 weeks, surgical dilation is done using forceps to remove the unwanted foetus. 3 Common Complications of Abortion The most common is bleeding. Bleeding occurs normally for a few weeks. It decreases as one nears weeks 5 and 6. In cases of excessive bleeding, there are chances that the uterus may not have been emptied completely. Pelvic inflammatory disease. This disease affects the vaginal area. The vagina produces an unpleasant vaginal discharge. The body temperature of the individual rises, and she experiences severe abdominal pains. Inflammation may happen in the womb due to emptying problems. It may be caused because the womb had not been completely emptied. This would require that a new evacuation be done for the woman. Pain is a normal problem for the abortion process. It is often relieved by using painkillers. In instances where there is excessive pain, one should consult the doctor to have her uterus rechecked. The uterus may be punctured especially during surgical termination of pregnancy. The tools used may create a hole in the uterus causing complications. Such a patient is kept in the hospital for observation and check up. 5 Advantages of Abortion Abortion gives a chance to young women especially those below the age of 21 years to pursue their education. A young girl caught in a situation where she has to carry the child to term will mean that she cannot do anything else. She would have to stop learning at some point to address the needs of the child. Most likely, she would have to stop schooling all together to take care of the child. By getting rid of the foetus, she is able to continue pursuing her educational needs. Abortion has been of help to women with health issues. Women with diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, and sickle cell anemia have been able to avoid serious medical complications that arise from childbirth through abortions. Such complications could easily lead to loss of life. Usually, a doctor may prescribe such a procedure when he realizes that the life of the mother is in danger. Abortion gives women an identity. In the chauvinistic societies, women have no power at all over their reproductive sense. The inculcation of abortion into laws and codes of ethics has helped the women by giving them power over their sexuality. Abortion has been used to control family size. Parents have used abortion as a way to reduce the number of children that they may get. They would discuss whether they wanted the baby or not and would remove it in case they do not want it. This helps regulate the number of children and aids in family planning. Abortion is done by rape victims who have found solace in the fact that they could easily remove such children that would arise from such action. Rape victims would not want to keep the baby because of psychological trauma that they would associate this child to. Removal of the child would remain the best option to end this. 6 Disadvantages of Abortion Abortion indicates brutality to the unborn child. This is because abortion is killing. It does not give the new foetus a chance to survive. It is hinged on religion, which condemns the act saying that all are equal before Almighty. The spiritual books go against the very idea of abortion. Abortion encourages infidelity by women. Women would engage in sexual acts outside the marriage context with the view that they would remove such fetuses if they happened to implant themselves in their uterus. Once a woman gets pregnant, she would easily remove the pregnancy and continue with her life. Abortion has the potential of lessens chances of a woman getting a child later in life. Abortion interferes with the uterine wall. At other instances, it may lead to total damage to the uterus. This would result in bareness hence a woman would not get a child when she needs it later in her life. Such actions may also cause hormonal imbalances that could be attributed to the barren nature of the women later in their lives. Abortion promotes irresponsible behavior. This is because it gives women and men alike the freedom to commit careless sexual activities. This is because they know that they could easily get rid of the pregnancy if they so wish to. This freedom makes them care less about their sexuality. Concurrent abortions may lead to medical complications. Some of these complications include uterine infections, recurrent miscarriages, and sepsis among others. Consistent use of such methods causes the hormones to change. This means that the hormones are tuned to a program where they cannot sustain a full pregnancy to term. The body gets used to rejecting any pregnancy hence the case of consistent miscarriages may pop up. Abortion may end up causing psychological impairments. Examples of this include depression and guilt. Some women may feel depressed after losing their baby. This could be the case especially if the child was their first and the abortion was done as a medical thing that they had no control over. Continuous miscarriages may cause such individuals to stress and eventual depression. This would ultimately affect the biology of the mother affecting the subsequent pregnancies. This is because the brain would have been tuned to reject any pregnancies due to such depression. Conclusion And So What in the Final Count? Abortion is a social, medical and a religious issue. It is entrenched into the legal laws of every country in the world in one way or another. It has a place in the lives of individuals directly or indirectly. Ethical values arise out of such deeds as abortion that determines the direction that one chooses. Other mechanisms that control abortion include the legal and religious aspects of society. Providing the necessary support in the form of financial aid and psychological support to mothers contemplating abortion could serve as the best way to curb such deaths resulting from abortion. There are advantages and disadvantages of abortion of almost equal measure. Abortion presents a double-edged sword in its advantages and disadvantages to individuals and society. It should be after careful consideration that abortion should be done.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Ethics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Ethics - Case Study Example The issues ethics for these accountants’ suits maintaining accurate details of company resources, liabilities and also profits without succumbing to the demands placed on them by managing department or officers in a corporate, disreputable accountant may possibly and easily alter a company’s’ financial report and change numbers to paint bogus picture of the company’s successes. This may result to short term prosperity, but altered reports ultimately bring the downfall of any companies whenever the Exchange Commission and Securities discovers the fraud. The effect of greed in the finance world and any business leads to shaving ethical limitations and stepping in safeguards in the name of generating money. An account might never permit the desire to make a better living and obtain more wealth get in the way by ensuring that he/she follows ethical procedures or guidelines for financial reporting (Moore 23). An executive or other corporate officer may request an accountant to skip or leave out certain monetary figures from a balance sheet so that they may paint the business in an awful light to despite the industry investors and public. Bill should report this to the client and instruct the client to refuse the presented work papers presented to him for they do not give a true and fair view of the discrepancy that bill had come across (Moore 33). In accordance with AICPA the performance of any expert service, a member shall uphold integrity and objectivity, shall always be liberated from conflict of interest, and shall not intentionally misrepresent information or share his or her judgment to anyone. Any member shall always be thought to have deliberately misrepresented particulars in infringement rule 102 of the code of conduct of AICPA, when he/she consciously permit, make or directs another member to make, substantially untrue and misleading

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Natural gas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Natural gas - Essay Example In natural gas reservoirs beneath the surface of the earth even the heavier hydrocarbons occur for the most part in gaseous form because of the higher pressures. These heavier hydrocarbons usually liquefy at the surface at normal atmospheric conditions and are produced separately as natural gas liquids (NGLs), either in field separators or in gas processing plants (Speight, 3). How it was discovered and when did they discover it? The discovery of natural gas dates back from ancient times in the Middle East. During that times, there was not any clear understanding about the existence of natural gas and its presence was somewhat of a mystery to man. Such mysteries were attributed to occasional incidents of sudden lightning strikes that would ignite natural gas escaping from under the earth’s crust resulting fire coming from the earth. The value of natural gas as an energy was first recognized in China about 900 BC. In 211 BC, Chinese drilled the first known natural gas well. Fur ther a step ahead they transported the crude gas through bamboo shoots to near sea shore, where it was used to distilled sea water to make it suitable for drinking. In early 1626, a French explorer first times discovered and identified natives igniting gases in America that were seeping into and around Lake Erie. In 1821 in Fredonia, United States, a massive escape of gas was observed in form of bubbles rising to the surface from a creek and an American industrialist and financier William Hart, considered as America’s â€Å"father of natural gas,† dug there the first natural gas well in North America. In Europe, natural gas was first come to known around 1659 when it was discovered in Great Britain. The last century technological development probed that major natural gas reservoirs are laying often in conjunction with crude oil, hence in recent times, major natural gas reservoirs were discovered as a result of searching for crude oil (Speight, 9). The usage of natural gas Since the discovery of natural gas as a heat source by the Chinese about two thousand years ago, the use of natural gas as an energy source has increased tremendously and presently, natural gas is about one quarter of the energy resources of the world (Speight, 21) as shown in fig. 1. Fig. 1 The main use of natural gas is combustion. The heat generated due to burning of gas is either directly or indirectly used for various energy purposes. In direct heating, natural gas is utilized both in residential  and  commercial  heating and cooking purposes. Indirectly the heat generated due to natural gas combustion is used to generate electricity by using gas fired generators, steam turbines, gas turbines and combined cycle power generation units. Another important indirect use of heat generated due to combustion of natural gas is its use as transportation fuel by compressing  natural  gas  (CNG) to less than 1% of its volume at standard atmospheric  pressure (Natural gas report, 3). Except these natural gas is used in many industrial applications including ore smelting, minerals processing, drying  and  dehumidification, glass smelting, food processing, waste treatment and incineration, and fueling industrial boilers. Also natural gas is an essential feedstock for number of for industrial products such as methanol, fertilizers,

Monday, November 18, 2019

Combating Money Laundering Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Combating Money Laundering - Research Paper Example Technological advances are some of the avenues that have made money laundering easier as criminals exploit these technologies to conceal the illegal sources of their valuables such as money and jewels. Fortunately, governments have recognized the menace, which is money laundering and have designed, implemented, and evaluated the effectiveness of these interventions in curbing financial crimes such as money laundering. The United States, for example mandates the Department of Treasury and agencies such as the FinCEN to implement anti-money laundering policies. However, more needs to be done for money laundering to e effectively detected, prevented, and stopped all together. Introduction Recent times have recorded an increase in the rate and scope of international crimes, more so with respect to the financial aspects of crimes. This scenario has been prompted by the globalization and the rapidly advancing technologies. Money related crimes have since become major multifaceted problems for law enforcement and the public. Besides being local and national crime problem, money laundering has become an international problem, prompting major financial and political superpowers such as the United States of America and other Western states to design and implement various strategies and policies to curb the issue (Harvey, 2008). Consequent to this increasing threat of money laundering and other financial crimes, many a state has since embarked on concerted efforts to combat this kind of crime. Included in these strategies is the designing and the enactment of counter-money laundering laws, shared by many agencies, institutions, and countries. Second, some countries such as the United States of America have established stringent bilateral and multilateral agreements to strengthen their monitory policies and practices and to further collaboration among states of similar interests. These collaborative efforts specifically target the creation of awareness of the serious threa t that is money laundering among states. In addition, efforts have not been spared in spreading the message on the importance of acknowledging that money laundering is in deed a problem that affects society directly (Levi & Gilmore, 2002). Furthermore, countries such as the United States of America prevent organizations considered criminals from accessing its financial systems. This paper explains what money laundering is, how it is used, and the steps the United States has taken to curb the crime. Money Laundering Illegal money is often the outcome of most criminal acts, which are mostly driven by greed for profit. Consequent to profits of criminal acts and omissions, illicit money often find their way into the legal financial systems of a country. Generally, money laundering entails concealing given financial assets so that their illegal activities are not detected. In fact, money laundering is one of the factors supporting organized crimes as criminals mix the monetary proceeds f rom their criminal acts with other seemingly legal sources (Kochan, 2005). There are several negative effects of money laundering. These include its effects on fueling terrorists, arms dealers, drug dealers, and other criminals, thus expanding their operations. Additionally, money laundering criminals have managed to manipulate financial systems in the United States and other countries, further

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Marketing communication mix

Marketing communication mix ABSTRACT: The whole work revolves around the subject of marketing communication mix. Considered to be derived from marketing mix. Communication mix consists of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, direct marketing and PR. For I-phones they use caples principle of advertisement. Advertising is effective but expensive Personal selling is expensive but is considered as cost-effective Sales promotion uses pull or push strategy. Direct marketing is common way used now days. To select right communication mix we should always use products life cycle to determine. Should keep a good eye on products sale to find the most effective way for advertisement Characteristic and role of each and every communication mix differ. LITERATURE REVIEW: I followed three different books and used AIDA, john caples principle and example of i-phone in my assignment. Most of the items I used were written by Philip kotler. I tried to use some facts and figures to prove my findings and as books being credible source I tried to use them rather than using internet sources. Mostly pictures are copied from internet only and all the items are referenced accordingly. Dr. kotler is considered one of the worlds leading authority on management and is considered pioneer writer in the field of international marketing and branding. MARKETING COMMUNICATION MIX: In this era of digital technology and competition, no one can survive without marketing; either its the product, brand or a service. The best definition of marketing was given by Al Ries and Trout â€Å"marketing is the performance of those activities which seek to accomplish organizations objective by anticipating customer or client needs and directing flow of need-satisfying goods and services from producer to customer or client.†(Source: Al Ries, Trout jack, 2006, marketing warfare, McGraw hill companies. Inc.) MARKETING MIX: Marketing alone couldnt be taken on account to anticipate and fulfill the customer needs. To just check the existence and evidence of presence of marketing communication mix we will look at 7 Ps of marketing. In 1960 Mccarthy came up with 4 Ps of marketing. The marketing mix according to some authors was already used as term before her in 1940s while later in 1980 booms and Bernard came up with 3 more Ps. The use of these 3 Ps is still debatable and is criticized by many people. (Sources:, MARKETING COMMUNICATION MIX AND IMPORTANCE: As from above we have seen that the marketing is not only about promoting your product but also depends other 6 factors but as we are talking about communication mix, it mostly relates to promotion. The communication is required between the customer and the business in order to increase the transactions or to maximize the daily sales of the business. It is important to mention here that the right communication mix is important to be chosen which suites the business needs and is the clearest way for the business to convey the message. Belch, E. and Belch A. describe Integrated Marketing Communications as â€Å"a concept of marketing communications planning that recognizes the added value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communication disciplines and combines these disciplines to provide clarity, consistency and maximum communications impact†.(source: In 1961 according to the same author Albert Frey was the first one to distinguish between communication tools and offering. Simply saying offerings are the service u offer used e.g. product, price and brand etc while tools you use such as place; promotion etc. so according to him which ever way you take you will use all your approaches for people. (Smith p r, Taylor Jonathan, 2004, 4th edition, marketing communications, Gutenberg press ltd, Malta) From all the discussion above we can conclude that the communication mix tools are as follows: The most common used promoting media used are:Internet, telesales, banners, broachers, radio, TV, telephone, newspaper etc. According to caple principle of promoting or advertising: Get attention Hold attention Create desire Make it believable Prove its a bargain Make it easy to buy Give reason to buy CASE STUDY: From my point of view, I-phone uses this kind of strategy for their sales. Most of the times we see the I-phone holding the whole last page of newspaper and showing what this product can do and the other ordinary phone might not be able to. The product before and after launch is advertised so many times to remind the customer of the phone that a lot of customers are attracted. As result many customers buy the product and we normally see the line in front of apple shops when the product is launched. They use sale promotion strategy for ending line of product. I.e. they used the sales promotion where they were finishing line of 2.5g (1st generation I-phone) where they reduced the price of phone, in order to boost the sale and finish the line of product when it was on declining stage. This helped company to get some potential customers. ADVERTISING: Advertising is said as very simple but expensive form of promotion. Advertising can be different depending on product or media used. For example on TV or it can also be in the form of internet advertisement. But this is considered most expensive because anyone who uses this have to either use large campaigns or use their lots of time in this kind of promotion. Advertising is the form of promotion is considered as non-personal promotional mix because the business doesnt know if their message is received by its customer or not, do people understand the product etc. CHARACTERESTIC OF ADVERTISMENT: According to Kotler characteristic of advertising are Public presentation: advertising is considered as highly public mode of communication and people consider this kind of promotion more because they consider that the offer they have been made through the media is standard. Pervasiveness: it is the medium of communication where a seller can repeat its message many times and this as a result help buyer to compare the sellers product with other competitors or substitute available. Amplified expensiveness: means that if company use little bit of different way or expensive way from its competitor, it might result in getting buyers attention. Impersonality: means that the customer or buyer is not as much motivated to buy the product or service as much as he is through a sales agent. As it is one way communication so the customer might wants to know about the product but cant because he cant speak to advertisement. The most common way of advertisement is TV, radio, newspaper, broachers and magazines etc.The advertisement is really beneficial in creating long term relationship between consumer, product and business. E.g. coca-cola uses all time red color for advertisement of their product and uses same advertisement many times a day to attract customer. PURPOSE OF ADVERTISMENT: The main purpose of advertisement is to get buyers attention, which creates interest and a desire rises in customer following the action (buying). According to the same website UK advertising expenditure in 2008 was  £18.6 billion. Not only that but also if we notice in our daily life routine we might go to some place and pay attention to the product for which we have seen advertisement recently. Sometime on local buses we see some poster and think that do we need the product or not and sometime even though we dont need it we might end up buying it. PERSONAL SELLING: It is considered to be one of most cost-effective kind of promotion. Some books also consider this as the most expensive one as well because of wage cost to the company, travelling cost and the company always have to offer the people with some kind of incentives to boost sales. Personal selling is considered effective because the business can feel the consumers requirement and can make up a package for consumer in order to fulfill their needs. The consumer can also look at the packages that suits best to their needs and can also tell the sales representative about their needs .e.g. British gas etc. Normally we see people from gas and electricity companies doing this kind of promotion. CHARACTERESTIC OF PERSONAL SELLING: According to Kotler(1997) the main characteristics are Personal confrontation: involves consumer and business representative where the need of consumer can be felt by the supplier. They can either come to some point of agreement or the business can offer some flexibility to consumer in order to gain or retrieve a customer. Cultivation: means that the business can adjust their offers according to customers need in order to maintain good relationship between business and customer. Sales representatives mostly use affectionate and friendly kind of approach towards their customers. Response: means that the buyers mostly respond to their seller and their response can be taken in account to increase sale. The response can be either good or bad depending on what customer feels about the product. ROLE: The main role of personal selling is mostly Acquire new potential customers and provide old customers the best service. Try to sale the product efficiently After sale provide them with best services Close the sale If resources or stock become less try to allocate other resources to make sure that customer remain in business with us. Though this kind of selling is decreasing due to presence of media like internet, TV and telephones. The costly method still used but only by some companies. Most of the companies have changed with changing world. SALES PROMOTION: It is normally used to boost the sale mostly at declining stage of the product. It offers the customer with either discounts or some kind of other special offers which results in customer attraction and as a result customer buys the product. Normally business uses coupon, special offers ands discounts etc. This kind of promotion is only good for short term and doesnt lead to long term relationship between business and customer. For example some companies use even ebay to do their promotions by using bid auctions like a company called EOL (end-o-line). Another is example is to supply customer with offers like by 1 and get 1 free etc. CHARACTERESTIC: According to Kotler three distinctive benefits and characteristics are Communication: mostly this kind of promotion gets the customers attention and provides customer with the information which may lead to transaction. Incentives: the business introduces some kind of concession, offers or vouchers to increase the sale temporarily. Invitation: the customers are usually forced to do the transaction soon by saying either till stocks last or till the date. This helps business to get more transactions in the limited time. ROLE: Sales promotion normally uses push, pull. These play an important role in any sales promotion. According to business uses push strategy to get the traders to stock their items and also give good offers, as a result, the trade people put more sales effort in order to maximize their profit. The product might be sold again to one of the wholesalers or end consumers. This is normally used in B2B relationship. The pull strategy is that the consumer is offered a good discount on buying product from the business. Sometime it is also used as a term that the business waits for the consumer to turn up and order the product and is produced, as they cant stock of the products life cycle. This is used for B2C relationship. Normally car suppliers and showrooms use this kind of strategy to promote sale to consumer and finish the old stock. PUBLIC RELATIONS: This kind of promotion is used by company to make their image better in public eyes. There is a different department for this kind of promotion. These departments mostly try to improve their companys goodwill in consumers eye. For example Durex the condom makers donated 50,000 condoms to NGOs in December on world aids day. The other thing they started was that they went to the social networking website â€Å"Facebook† and launched some games in order to increase awareness and sales. The company or business might do some charities or sponsor some kind of good cause. The companies might also use newsletter or news releases to improve PR. CHARACTERESTICS: According to Kortley(1997) role of PR is High credibility: most of the time people trust news or articles more than other like advertisement, personal selling or sales promotion. ABILITY: it is much easier to catch people who avoid personal selling. So the message is read by more people and this might result in more sales. DRAMATIZATION: it also has potential of setting company or product reputation at the level which company is not in real life. This can be the result of advertising as well. ROLES: In normal routine of life these people play an important role in image of a company as they are the one responsible for news releases and the charitable functions. The PR has to make sure that they do their work through the right channel so that it can be recognized by the people. E.g. they shouldnt help the cause of cutting trees as it might hurt many peoples feelings. They should try to reach those people who cannot be reached because they avoid personal selling etc. another thing that they should try to help campaigns with their product rather than money as it will improve the products sale and image. For example IBM provides non-profit companies with discounted price on purchase of their items. DIRECT MARKETING: This type of promotion is used by mails, telemarketing and catalog marketing. This is quite effective way of promotion because the response can be taken on account to increase sale or acquire new customers from other competitors. E.g. sometime we receive a call on our numbers offering different services or products (especially on landlines). Some other schools of thoughts also consider e-marketing as a part of this promotion type like e-mails for promotions or sales. (Kutler, 1997). CHARACTERESTICS: According to Kutler(1997), there are four types of direct marketing. Nonpublic: the letter or e-mail or telephone is for specific person who have subscribed to some offers. Customized: normally can be different for two different customers depending on their buying history. Up-to-date: offer can be prepared delivered quickly using e-marketing or telesales. Interactive: customer can be offered with much more different choices in this kind of promotion. ROLE: Normally companies use bombardment of e-mail to many customers and wait for their response. This way have been used a lot now days and is becoming less effective as people always consider them as junk e-mail. Another way of e-marketing is using social websites like facebook to introduce or advertise the product. E.g. durex used this kind of strategy and introduced some games on social networking website to increase the sale. Another way is cataloging, where the businesses send the people to drop the catalogue and the consumer can call and order the product. Last but not least now they use special television channels and phone calls to inspire and get some business from the potential customers. CRITICAL ANLYSIS: As from all the information we have seen the characteristic which are most probably advantages while in introduction of ever kind of promotion I have discussed some disadvantages as well to make sure that the business using any kind of this can know the harmful and useful points of their promotion and the role tells us the importance of the particular communication mix. IMPORTANCE: The importance of marketing communication mix can also be felt when we see that it is connected with the marketing mix. The research on this started from 1940. It flourished with the entrance of new media. Businesses always try to use communication mix to get the share and attention of market. Due to increased competition level we can use one of the tools to acquire new customers in the market. Right communication mix can be used by realizing right target customers. SELECTION OF RIGHT COMMUNICATON MIXES: As we discussed earlier about the I-phone, we will now see how the product should be advertised through out its life cycle to make it a success. PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE: First stage is pre introduction stage where we use very small amount on advertising and just to let people know that we are launching some new product. On 2nd stage i.e. introduction we use PR and advertisement. On3rd stage of growth we need heavy amount of money to be spent in order to make product successful in the market. At maturity level we use less advertising as a tool but now we use more and more sales promotion and PR. At the decline we use sales promotion but some company might use direct marketing as a tool as well to provide customers with good offers. The first and foremost thing for any campaign is that it should know who their target market is and what age group they are looking for. Then depending on their objective they can use one of the models to solve their problem. COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE: Depending on market type the company or business should enter in, the business should decide their communication objective depending on their product and policies. Depending on your product, target market and business you can select the model and decide what should be the strategy from pre introduction stage till the decline stage. For example in case of an innovation free trial is important. Apple used this kind of strategy when they allowed people to take computers, pc or laptops to home and could use it over the weekend as trial and can buy it after they think the product is efficient enough for use. COMMUNICATION LANDSCAPE: According to Kotler (2008) businesses are moving towards the focused marketing rather than mass marketing. The businesses use the tool of advertisement and promotion in the places where they should and only focus on their target market and people rather than the old technique of sending their message to many people which may result as one of the do the transaction. People do not pay attention to ads and promotion of the product they might not be interested in, most of the time they try to skip the section of advertisements and breaks while watching TV. So it is important to have the right focus group now days to increase sale and transactions. Kotler and his fellow writers used word of broadcasting which is to play the advertisement for mass media thinking that it might result in transaction. The other word he used was narrowcast where only interested and potential customers are target. He used these terms in his â€Å"shifting marketing communication model†. According to them due to change in ICT and presence of internet people are motivated to use online sources to watch their favorite programs and skip the ads in between the breaks. Only few people might watch those. Although mass media like TV and radio is evergreen but is decreased because of presence of internet. An average person spends 5 times more time on internet than TV. Thats why companies now use their ads on internet and use social networking websites for publicity etc. e.g. companies like Cadbury uses the statement on their website â€Å"find us on facebook†.(source: kotley Philip, armstrong garry, wong veronica, saunders john, 2008, principles of marketing, fifth edition,pearson education ltd. ) CONCLUSION: All the companies or businesses have to spend in this field to make sure that they get the expected results from the product and the business. If the company fails to use right communication mix at the right time, their product will be a waste for them and might result in little sale. All 5 communication mix together can lead to a good business, as they all can be used depending on life cycle of the product. The communication objectives should be kept in mind for a successful business. Depending on the product the message should be designed appropriately to reach to the audience. RECOMMENDATIONS: Businesses should identify their needs first. Businesses should try to fix the budget for promotional and advertising purpose. Businesses should allocate resources in case of no resource available to keep the campaigns going. Business should also allocate fixed amount of money or products to PR as well. Sales promotion times should not be fixed on introduction time. The message should be designed professionally and to the perfection. For the products affordable method should be chosen. The business should try to use same logo or slogan for their products. PR should try to use news release and other form of media to improve reputation of the company. Checks on sale should be carried out by the business in order to find most effective communication mix for their company. REFRENCES: BOOKS: Al Ries, Trout jack, 2006, marketing warfare, McGraw hill companies. Inc. Smith p r, Taylor Jonathan, 2004, 4th edition, marketing communications, Gutenberg press ltd, Malta Kotler Philip, 1997, 9th edition, marketing management, prentice hall international inc. kotley Philip, armstrong garry, wong veronica, saunders john, 2008, principles of marketing, fifth edition,pearson education ltd. WEBSITES:

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Personal Narrative Essay - Crickets :: Personal Narrative Writing

Personal Narrative- Crickets I’ve never liked bugs. Grasshoppers are gruesome, and wasps are menacing. Even butterflies seem to flaunt their grace by fluttering in your face. Recently, however, I’ve realized that one insect cowers below the others as the most scheming of the six-legged world. I’ve discovered that I hate crickets. These bugs are way too happy for their own good. Not only black, smaller versions of the grasshopper, crickets are masters of hide and seek. The inky bodies blend flawlessly into the shadows beneath a bush or inside the garage. Each crunchy creature also must have a shrinking ability. Squeezing into cracks and crannies in walls, even the cockroach is shamed by the cricket. Once hiding within thirty feet of my presence, the despicable beast begins to sing its wretched, repetitive tune. Echoing in my ears, magnified by the silence between chirps, the song rattles in my head. Forget studying, forget writing and solving problems, forget sleeping, because I am irritated. Each shrill note pierces my skull, drumming inside my head as though pressuring my brain. "Find me," it taunts, "if you can." Concentrating becomes isolated, like a special filter is funneling only the vibrato-filled song into my mind. Eyes wide and furious, I hunt, following the gnawing chirp. Listening with ears attuned only to the shriek, I creep so slowly, so focused my muscles ache with the strain. Zoning in on a tiny area, suddenly repulsed by the thought of cricket skin brushing my delicate fingertips, I seize a sandal from the step. I can hear it. I know it’s only a few inches away.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Nicolò Paganini

When Paganini walked along the street, people eyed him closely, wondering whether they might detect his cloven foot-a mark of the devil. Once, shortly before he was to go onstage, he felt a nail in his shoe, which caused him to limp slightly as he arrived on the podium. Some members of the audience looked at each other knowingly, for it was widely believed that there was something mysterious, supernatural about his playing. Even people who did not believe in the devil were convinced of it. Ever since they have tried to discover his secret. For almost a year, an Englishman followed him on his tours, taking an adjoining hotel room and listening constantly. While on the road, however, Paganini hardly ever practiced, and when he briefly warmed up before concerts, he used such a heavy mute that no one could hear him (Prod'Homme 13). Countless books and pamphlets have been written about the secret of his practicing and about other, hitherto unknown, explanations of his virtuosity. Much has been brought to light that is interesting and informative, but no secrets have been revealed. Paganini's accomplishments must be attributed to a handful of quite understandable factors, as is true of above-average achievement in any field. In his case we are aware of great musicality; a distinct talent for the violin that included certain physiological characteristics; a strict practicing regime supervised by his father, who soon noted the unusual gift; and a highly developed desire to excel as an artist. All produced astonishing results (Anders 39). Paganini was born in Genoa in 1782, the son of a dockworker whose hobbies included fortunetelling and playing the violin and mandolin. He taught Nicolà ² both instruments. â€Å"It would be hard to imagine a stricter father,† the boy recalled. Further instruction by two orchestra violinists led to lessons by Giacomo Costa, music director at the cathedral, whose pupil soon performed solos there. This was a customary eighteenth-century venue, as it had been for Tartini, and such appearances in church were occasionally reviewed in the press. On 31 May 1794 a notice was printed in Avvisi, a Genoa newspaper: â€Å"[During high mass] Nicolà ² Paganini, a highly gifted eleven-year-old boy, performed a concerto, for which he was greatly admired.† (Prod'Homme 7-8) Encouraged by such successes, the father entrusted the thirteen-yearold Nicolà ² to Alessandro Rolla, then teaching in Parma. Though Rolla declared that there was nothing he could teach him, he gave his young student a solid foundation in music theory, and probably good advice as well. While in Parma, Nicolà ² also studied counterpoint with Ghiretti and Paà «r, for whom he wrote, among other exercises, twenty-four fugues in parts. Years of intensive practice under the father's strict supervision followed his return home. During this period he acquired the phenomenal command of the violin that amazed musicians and music lovers everywhere (Anders 40-41). Paganini stands at the threshold of a new era in violin playing, if later in life he referred to himself as self-taught, this does not imply a lack of gratitude to his teachers. He developed his very individual style of playing on his own, during his up to twelve hours of daily practice, as he recalled. In 1801 he freed himself of his father's relentless supervision by joining the orchestra in Lucca as a first violinist. Five years later he moved on to the court of Napoleon's sister Elisa Bacciocchi, then princess of Lucca. He remained there until 1809, active as a soloist, music director, orchestra member, and chamber music player. His career as a touring virtuoso did not begin until 1813 when, thirty-one years old, he reaped such spectacular successes in Milan that the world took notice (Anders 42). Paganini was a compulsive gambler who at times came close to being sent to debtor's prison, and who once had to use his violin to pay his debts. In this dilemma, someone presented him with a Guarneri violin so that he could play a concert that had already been scheduled (McGinnis 117). The sensational aspects of Paganini's public appearances were heightened by a wealth of freely invented stories, such as the one about his prison sentence, for which there is absolutely no foundation. While he played the violin in prison, it is related, three strings broke, one after another, until only the G string remained, so that he was forced to develop his uncanny ability to play on one string alone (Athanassoglou-Kallmyer 1). The later â€Å"Moses† Fantasy is one of his compositions demonstrating this skill.) According to another wild story he strangled his wife (in fact, Paganini never married) and used her intestines as raw material for strings. Such stories may have been inspired by the virtuoso's fondness, reminiscent of Don Giovanni's, for the fair sex, which indeed accounted for many romantic adventures in his youth. Stories persisted, even late in his life, about wealthy countesses and others who offered him their money and their everything-stories that of course were good publicity. It is a fact that his profoundly melancholic appearance and his haggard, mephistophelian figure held a strong fascination for women, which he did not mind at all (Prod'Homme 24). Behind the virtuoso facade he cultivated, there was another Paganini-the one who in private gatherings played Beethoven quartets well and with great enthusiasm, including the late quartets. When on tour, he missed no opportunity to hear Fidelio or Don Giovanni. He also was quite fond of older vocal music, especially Palestrina's (Prod'Homme 24). Paganini's fame was restricted to Italy until 1828, when, at the age of forty-six, he traveled to Vienna for his first engagement abroad. The impression he made there defies imagination. The first recital took place on 29 March in the Redoutensaal, filled to capacity (Athanassoglou-Kallmyer 2). All local violinists were there, along with Schubert, the poet Grillparzer, the Esterhà ¡zy family, and everyone who was anyone in the arts and in society. Thirteen more concerts followed, all equally crowded. A veritable Paganini mania broke out (Prod'Homme 35). Strauss wrote a â€Å"Paganini Waltz,† merchants offered Paganini schnitzel, cravats, and haircuts. When Paganini's good business sense led him to raise the price of admission to one gold florin, that coin became known as a â€Å"Paganinerl.† There were poems of fulsome admiration, and the critics outdid each other writing hymns of praise. Until 1831, Paganini chiefly concertized in Germany, residing in Frankfurt on the Main. Some during this period refused to be caught up in the delirious adulation and were all the more critical of the violinist and his mesmerized public. Others were more insightful and understanding of the changing times (Athanassoglou-Kallmyer 1). Serious scholars, eccentrics, journalists, and charlatans ever since have tried to discover the miracle of his playing and its effect on audiences. Some significant details were established, but anyone who tried to build an entire system on such discoveries, even a philosophy of violin playing, lost their credibility. As Flesch (The Art of Violin Playing, vol. 2) said, â€Å"A publication whose title uses the name Paganini as a sales placard impresses one at once as a mere advertising puff† (Flesch 85). Paganini must be credited with inaugurating a new era, not only for violin playing but for instrumental accomplishment in general. The standards he set are still valid in our time. Liszt, a genius, was able by virtue of great effort and superhuman concentration, to adapt Paganini's technique to his own piano playing. It took violinists almost a century to accomplish this for their instrument and to develop pedagogical methods based on Paganini's achievements. Works Cited Anders, G. E. Nicolo Paganini: His life, personality, and secrets. Dover Publications, 1991. Athanassoglou-Kallmyer, Nina. â€Å"Blemished Physiologies: Delacroix, Paganini, and the    Cholera Epidemic of 1832†. The Art Bulletin, Vol. 83, 2001. Flesch, Carl. Art of Violin Playing: Book Two. Carl Fischer Music Dist, 2000. McGinnis Ferguson, Hugh. No Gambling at the casino Paganini. The Phi Beta Kappa Society   Ã‚   in The American Scholar, 1994. Prod'Homme, Jacques Gabriel. Nicolo Paganini. Ams Pr Inc, 1975.      

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Business Communication Essay

Part-1 Question 1.Communication is an essential function of Business Organizations. 2.Physiological Barriers of listening are: Ans. (a) Hearing impairment 3.Which presentation tends to make you speak more quickly than usual? Ans. (b) Oral 4.What is the main function of Business Communication: Ans. (c) Persuasion 5.The responsibilities of the office manager in a firm that produces electronics spares is Ans. ( d).. All of the above 6.Labov’s Storytelling Model based on: Ans.(a) Communication through speech 7.Diagonal Communication is basically the: Ans. (b). Communication between the CEO and the managers 8.How to make Oral Communication Effective? Ans. (d). All of the above 9.Direct Eye contact of more than 10 seconds can create: Ans. (a). Discomfort & Anxiety 10.10. Encoding means: Ans. (a). Transmission Par -2 1. 7’c of effective communication 1.Courtesy and consideration – Improves Relationship 2. Clarity-Make comprehension better 3. Credibility -Builds Trust 4. Correctness-Builds confidence 5. Completeness and consistency-Introduces stability 6. Concreteness-Reinforces Confidence 7. Conciseness-Save time 2. Space Language

Thursday, November 7, 2019

When Do ACT Scores Come Out ACT Score Release Schedule

When Do ACT Scores Come Out ACT Score Release Schedule SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You've taken the ACT and are now waiting for your scores. This can be a tense time, but knowing when exactly to expect your ACT results can help you plan ahead. When do ACT scores come out exactly? In this article, find out when your test scores will become available, how to get your ACT resultsas fast as possible, and what to do once you have them. Will your ACT scores be good enough? When your scores come out, it's critical for you to understand whether your scores are good enough. The ACT score that's good enough for you is unique to you, based on your goals. Download our free guide to figuring out your ACT target score. How Long Does It Generally Take to Get ACT Scores? ACT results normally start to come out online around 10 days after your test date. Because the ACT is always taken on a Saturday, your scores will usually come out on the second Tuesday after your test date. Occasionally, ACT scores might take longer than 10 days to come out.The official ACT website offers a range of possible score release dates for each test. Generally, the earliest possible release date is 10 days after the test date, and the latest possible release date is six to seven weeks after the test date. If you took theACT with Writing, your multiple-choice scores will become available online around the same time as everyone else's; however,your essay score will typically take an additional two weeks. In other words, your complete ACT scores will come out, at earliest, a little more than three weeks after your test date. When Exactly Do ACT Scores Come Out? ACT score release dates will vary depending on your test date. We created the tables below for you to see when you can expect your ACT results to become available. 2019-20 ACT Score Release Schedule ACT, Inc. has confirmed itstesting schedule for the 2019-20 testing year. This allows us to come up with estimatesfor future score release dates: ACT Test Date Multiple-Choice Scores Release Complete Scores (w/ Essay) Release Sept 14, 2019 Sept 24, 2019 Oct 8, 2019 Oct 26, 2019 Nov 5, 2019 Nov 19, 2019 Dec 14, 2019 Dec 24, 2019 Jan 7, 2020 Feb 8, 2020 Feb 18, 2020 Mar 3, 2020 Apr 4, 2020 Apr 14, 2020 Apr 28, 2020 June 13, 2020 June 23, 2020 July 7, 2020 July 18, 2020 July 28, 2020 Aug 11, 2020 Have a feeling you'll need to take the ACT again? Download our free guide to improving your ACT score by 4 points. Note that these are the earliest possible dates for your ACT scores to come out. Many students have their scores delayed by a few days as ACT, Inc. gets all the scores together. Don't be too alarmed if your test scores are delayed by a week or so. Beyond that point, though, it might be a good idea to call ACT, Inc. and ask about the status of your test. ACT Writing scores usually come out about two weeks after your multiple-choice scores are released. ACT, Inc. does a great job of getting its scores out as early as possible instead of waiting for all students to be ready before releasing them in a batch. What Time Do ACT Scores Come Out? ACT scores are released in batches and are usually posted once a day at around 12 am Central Time (10 pm Pacific Time, 11 pm Mountain Time, and 1 am Eastern Time). If your test scores don't show up after this time on a particular day, you'll have to wait a whole day and then check if they come out the next day. This information will hopefully help with your stress and keep you from compulsively checking for ACT scores throughout the day! When Are ACT Scores Available to Schools? After taking up to a week to process your score report request, ACT, Inc. will batch up your score report with others going to the same school. Colleges receive ACT score reports at least once every two weeks, but some schools get them more frequently. UVA has stated that it gets score reports electronically at least once a day- but gets scores even more frequently closer to application deadlines. If you put down a school as one to receive one of your four free score reports, that school might even be able to see your ACT scores before you candepending on how frequently it gets scores from ACT, Inc. It’s also important to note that ACT, Inc. will not send out your ACT scores until your whole test has been scored. So if you’ve taken the Writing section, your scores won’t go out until your Writing scores, too, have been determined. Opting for a priority report(instead of a regular score report) shortens the initial processing time to two working days after your request and typically gets your ACT scores to schools three to four business days after your request has been processed. Note that ACT, Inc. cannot send out a score report until your test has been scored. Unless you've gotten your ACT scores and have a college application deadline fewer than seven weeks away (or three weeks for the ACT without Writing), ordering priority reporting isn't worth it. Note: If you took the ACT through State and District, School, or DANTES testing, your online scores will likely not become available until after you get your paper score report in the mail. How Do I Check My ACT Score? The fastest way to view your ACT scores is to go online to your ACT account. Once you log in, you'll see a list of the ACT test dates you have scores for: Next, click on "View Scores" for the test date for which you want to view your ACT scores. You'll be taken to a screen on which you have to reenter your password (for security's sake): Once you enter your password again, you'll be taken to a page with your ACT results. For a more detailed explanation on how to get your scores, check out ourstep-by-step guide. Why Does It Take So Long to Get My ACT Score? It might seem as though grading shouldn't take long since ACT tests are scored automatically. But remember that hundreds of thousands of students take the ACT on each test date.What's more, all of these things need to happen for each student taking the test: Each test is shipped to the ACT, Inc. scoring headquarters. Each test is scanned to calculate araw score. Each test receives a scaled score from 1 to 36, depending on the curve for that test. Each ACT Writing essay is evaluated by two human graders. All of this happens on a nationwide scale, so clearly ACT, Inc. has a significant logistics challenge to deal with! When all's said and done, though, ACT, Inc. strives to get test scores out as soon as possible so students like yourself can plan ahead for college. ACT Results: 2 Options for Next Steps Once you get your ACT scores back, you have a couple of options for what you can do next. Option 1: Retake the ACT If you're not happy with your scores, you might want to consider retaking the ACT. You can refresh your memory on how to sign up for the ACT with this article. Whether you retake the ACT ultimately boils down to two factors:what your target score isand how likely you are to improve your score.Your ACT target score is determined by the average ACT scores of the schools you want to get into. If your ACT scores are a lot lower than your target score is, it might be worth retaking the test. It’s not enough, however, to look at your ACT results and say, "Well, I didn’t do as well as I wanted, so I’d better take it again." As we discuss in our article on ACT score decreases, there’s about a 50-50 chance that if you retake the ACT, you’ll score the same or lower than you did before.And the odds of a score decrease are even higher if you don’t put in much studying time. To improve your composite ACT score by 1 to 4points, you’ll need to put in around40hours of smart prep. Increasing your score by more than this requires even more time and energy. This doesn’t mean just brute-forcing it by doing as many practice tests and quizzes as you can get your hands on; instead, you'll want to use a system that focuses mainly on your weaknesses and helps you improve them. Keep in mind, too, that if you're applying to a school that requires all ACT scores be sent, you'll likely have to send this test's score as well unless you delete it from your record. The bottom line: if you're able to put in the time and energy to improve your score, then it's worth retaking the ACT. Otherwise, it's just a waste of money and a Saturday morning! Option 2: Send Your ACT Scores to Colleges If you're completely satisfied with how you did on the exam, then your next step is to send your scores to all the colleges you're applying to. We've also got a complete list of school and college codesyou can use to send your ACT scores. What's Next? Know you want to retake the ACT but not sure when to do it? Check out all upcoming ACT test datesto find out when you can take the test next. For tips on the best time for you, read our article on the best ACT test dates. What ACT score do you need to get into college?Get the answer to this question by reading our guides towhat the average ACT score for college isand the minimum score you'll need to get in. When's the last date you can take the ACT and still have your scores get to schools in time? Find out with these articles about the last ACT dates forearly admissions deadlines and regular admissions deadlines. Also, check out our free guide on the 5 most important strategies you need to know to improve your ACT score by 4+ points.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Transcendentalism in Walden by Henry David Thoreau Research Paper

Transcendentalism in Walden by Henry David Thoreau - Research Paper Example â€Å"What everybody echoes or in silence passes by as true to-day may turn out to be falsehood to-morrow, mere smoke of opinion, which some had trusted for a cloud that would sprinkle fertilizing rain on their fields† (Thoreau, 7). One of the basic princiAdvices may be given by adults to the youths however there is not much of credibility in them for their advice to be taken with such significance. People have different fates and experiences and no 2 different people will have the same circumstances brought up to them. Another principle of transcendentalism is that genuine change is derived from within the person himself and not from others’ influence and it is not to please these people but to please the self. A change is not constituted by outside influence but more on taking in consideration a person’s thought on what the change would do for him rather than if it would please others.The author also did not exclude the word I in the context. Rather Thoreau use d the 1st person way of speaking rather than using the 3rd person which is usually being used by writers in voicing out the writer’s opinions and beliefs. The author contradicts the customary way of writing as he states:In most books, the I, or first person, is omitted; in this it will be retained; that, in respect to egotism, is the main difference. We commonly do not remember that it is, after all, always the first person speaking. I should not talk so much about myself if there were anybody else whom I knew as well.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Critical Analysis of the Film Eros Plus Massacre by Yoshishige Yoshida Movie Review

Critical Analysis of the Film Eros Plus Massacre by Yoshishige Yoshida - Movie Review Example Audience’s critique may be inclined to express that fragments of the past and of the present in â€Å"Eros Plus Massacre† are pieced together in a certain manner that guides comprehension of a twist. It appears quite a venture for Yoshida to have radicalized cinematographic aspects which might have otherwise caused misleading interpretation when the broken parts fail to be ascertained as a whole. Yoshida’s decentralized approach in this project explores the nature of sexuality as it portrays the core function in designating characters according to gender traits and the appeal to feminism wears an unusual tone and attitude. â€Å"Eros Plus Massacre†, nevertheless, concretely illustrates scenes where a woman normally falls as man’s object of desire. Between Eiko and her part-time lover whose sensual moment is caught by the intruding friend and colleague Wada as well as between the same man and the other desperate woman in another scene at a spot in ho tel, there occurs an affair of nothing more than physical worth in which undertones of eroticism manifest through moderate visual elements of dynamic nudity. It may be inferred herein that the principle of Sakae Osugi regarding exaggerated independence in a culture that permits a number of liberated sex relations are carried from his conservative era to a modern age of over forty years later. By a sequence of past-present juxtapositions which had been altogether enhanced by peculiar camera angles and transitions, Yoshida managed to bring across the significance of understanding time as an element from which to compare views, especially how such have evolved as whether they appear subject to change or unaltered due to a couple of similarities between the past and the present. The scenario at the top of the cliff when Eiko and Wada station themselves back to back on a wooden cross as though to assume a position that depicts punishment or captivity may be perceived to have figuratively coincided with the thematic situation of Osugi and family in a pyramidal structure that resembles a platform for execution. In particular, when Wada and Eiko are led to an academic recollection among the archives of Japanese history, the critical point in the life of Osugi and feminist wife Noe Ito is projected in a momentous setting with their son who would eventually yield to the misfortune of being massacred.  Ã‚